An Asian economic tiger, South Korea is a mosaic of old and new: rural folk villages and DVD mini-cinemas, ancient stone pagodas and rock music bars, buzzing modern cities and feudal era fortresses, densely forested mountains graced by some of Asia's finest Buddhist temples. It's a compact and little explored country, where Asian traditions, Western fashions, and democratic ideas mingle to identify based equal parts on language, national pride and a fondness for nature's beauties. The best time to visit South Korea is September to November. Some of the things to experience are: Early morning jostling at Busan's fish market, hitting the beach at Daecheon for the best sand and seafood on the west coast, and hiking around spectacular Sereoksan National Park. Courtesy is highly valued and most Koreans will go out of their way to be pleasant and helpful. Be polite and smile even when bargaining over prices in the market.
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